Successfully co-launched IDEAS with partner, Terry Kennedy an authorized training and consulting company. IDEAS is one of the few consulting and training firms that actually has major editorial, design, and production experience.
Train clients on electronic production software, workflow, and publishing methods, including implementation of procedures for computer-to-plate, composite PDF submission, and repurposing material for the web.
Consult to and provide customized training for numerous local and national clients including Hewlett-Packard, Honda, Xerox, Honeywell, University of Alaska, Los Alamos National Labs, National Park Service, and Salt Lake City Olympic Committee.
Deliver creative, technical, and electronic production management solutions for publishers including Ziff Davis,Newsweek en Español, AIM Media, Arizona Republic, San Diego Union Tribune, Florida Sportsman, and Homes & Land of Southwest Florida.
Direct design and production of high-quality publications from concept through printing including The Gourmet Retailer, a leading food-retailing magazine; Dining & Doing, a 500-page, upscale tourism directory; and four-color, glossy, real-estate publications from Homes & Land of Naples, FL (including Luxury Lifestyles).
Present technical solutions at DTP/electronic-production and software-training seminars including Florida Magazine Association, National Press Photographers Association, CEPS, and many more
TSI Graphics
New Jersey (June 1988-Feb. 1990)
Electronic Systems/Publications Specialist
Created multi-media presentations to clients, including Hearst Publications, IDG Publications, and Bass Pro Shops.
Trained clients and TSI staff on publishing software, workflow, and methods.
Orchestrated high-end publishing system interfaces via Scitex Visionary.
Modern Drummer Magazine
New Jersey (1981-1988)
Art & Production Director
Designed and produced full spectrum of publications including a monthly
magazine, a quarterly magazine, books, annual editions, and media kits.
Creative direction of personnel and services including pre-press, printing, technical vendors, and freelance staff.
Integrated editorial, art, and production departments with state-of-the-art [at the time] electronic publishing system (starting with PageMaker in 1985).