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Adobe FrameMaker

Intro to FrameMaker Outline (2 days)

Advanced FrameMaker Outline (3 days)

The above classes are designed to help you build a "perfect" template for unstructured or structured editing. Extra time is strongly recommended in order to practice the concepts taught. If working with per-existing files that you do wish to update, please consider the Unstructured FrameMaker for Editors class.

Structured Editing in FrameMaker Outline (2 days)

This class teaches writers to work with existing structured documents. It is suggested that the students take or be familiar with the concepts of both the unstructured Intro and Advanced classes first.

Basics of Converting to Structure and EDD Editing

(2 days for coverage of basic EDD and Conversion Table concepts; 3-5 days recommended for hands-on work with your own files)

The first part of this advanced class covers EDD concepts, creation, usage, and editing. The second part covers the creation and testing of Conversion Tables for converting unstructured FrameMaker documents to structured based on the EDD.

Note: If you plan on converting Word documents into structured FrameMaker files, extra time may be required.

Specialized Classes

Editing in Unstructured FrameMaker for Writers (1-2 days)
[Concepts are extracted from the Intro and Advanced outlines]

This class covers the editorial-only aspects of both Unstructured Info and Advanced. It assumes a supplied, well-built template is provided to the editors and they only need to use the template rather than build it from scratch.