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Captivate Outline

Black Text= 3-day Intro Class Topics
Red Text= 2-day Advanced Class Topic

  1. Planning your project
    1. General Steps
      1. Writing/Script
      2. Storyboards
      3. Gather/Create Art
      4. Record and Produce
        1. Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse
      5. Audio
      6. Edit (and re-edit)
      7. Produce
    2. Time plan
      1. NOT counting Script and Storyboards
      2. 20-30 minutes per final slide
    3. Time Length
      1. 5-10 minutes per session
  2. The Captivate Interface
    1. Critical Panels
      1. Properties
      2. Library
      3. Timeline
      4. Flimstrip
    2. Workspaces
      1. Saving and updating a workspace
    3. Preview options
    4. Zoom in/out
  3. Types of Presentations
    1. Software Simulation
      1. Screen Captures
      2. Full-Motion Recording
    2. Blank
      1. Using Templates
    3. PowerPoint
    4. Slideshow
    5. Video Recording
  4. Non-Interactive Recording Mode
    1. Demonstration Mode
      1. Recording software simulation
      2. Screen size issues
        1. Panning
        2. Application
      3. Audio issues
    2. Working with Timeline
      1. Change slides duration
        1. On Timeline panel
        2. On Properties panel
    3. Slides
      1. Properties panel settings
    4. Captions
      1. Properties panel settings
      2. Adjusting timing
        1. Start Time
        2. Length
        3. End of Slide
      3. Multiple captions on one slide
        1. Alignment of Objects
    5. Mouse
      1. Properties panel settings
      2. Adjusting timing
      3. Modifying mouse paths
      4. Mouse sounds
      5. Mouse pointers
    6. Highlight Boxes
      1. Properties panel settings
      2. Adjusting timing
    7. Zoom Areas
      1. Adjusting Timing
    8. Object Styles
      1. Using Default Styles
      2. Creating new styles
      3. Modifying Styles
      4. Updating Styles
        1. With Overrides
      5. Resetting Styles
    9. Hiding/Showing, Deleting, Duping
      1. Slides
      2. Objects
    10. Working with Images
      1. Inserting
      2. Properties panel settings
        1. Editing images
      3. Reusing images from Library
      4. Removing unused items from Library
      5. Background images vs. placed images
        1. Creating a Master Slide
      6. Create ghosted logo for entire slide show
      7. Stacked Images
      8. Creating Slideshows
      9. Inserting Characters
    11. Shapes
      1. Version
        1. Lines
        2. Rectangles
        3. Ovals
        4. Polygons
      2. Version 6
        1. Smart Shapes
          1. Editing shapes
      3. Coloring objects
        1. Solid colors
        2. Gradients
      4. Smart Shapes
        1. Using and editing
  5. Editing Text
    1. Spell Check
    2. Find/Replace
    3. Editing Captions in Word
      1. Export
      2. Import
    4. Reviewing Projects
      1. Adding Comments
  6. Interactive Recording Modes
    1. Types of modes
      1. Assessment Mode
      2. Training Mode
    2. Rollovers
      1. Captions
      2. Images
      3. Slidelets
    3. Click Boxes
      1. Adjusting Timing
    4. Buttons
      1. Button Types
      2. Controlling Navigation with Buttons
      3. Adjusting Timing
        1. Start
        2. Length
        3. Pause
      4. Applying Button to entire project
      5. Advanced Button usage
    5. Text Entry Boxes
      1. Uses
        1. User Variable Name example
        2. Validation
  7. Custom Recording Modes
    1. Setting up a Custom Recording mode
    2. Manual Screen Captures
    3. Full-Motion Recording
    4. Video Recording
  8. Working with PowerPoint
    1. Opening a PPT files
      1. Linking vs. not linking
    2. Selecting slides
    3. Editing PPT
      1. From Captivate
      2. External editing (with Linked PPT)
        1. Updating PPT file
      3. Added or deleted slides
    4. Exporting blank background image from PPT
      1. Adjusting export resolution
      2. Creating a Master Slide
  9. Audio
    1. Types
      1. Background
      2. Slide
      3. Object
    2. Recording Audio
    3. Microphone choice/calibration
    4. During screen recording
    5. Recording directly Captivate
    6. Import Narration files
      1. Adjusting per slide
    7. Editing Audio Files
      1. Cutting
      2. Silence
    8. Slide Notes panel
      1. Notes
      2. Text to Speech
      3. Closed Captioning
  10. Quizes
    1. Quiz Preferences
      1. Quiz Pass/Fail results
      2. Reporting options
        1. LMS
        3. Email
    2. Inserting Quiz slides
    3. Types of questions
    4. Using Quiz Templates
    5. Formatting Quiz Slides
      1. Master Slides
      2. Text Formats
    6. Intro to Widgets
      1. Certificate Widget
    7. HTML5 Issues
    8. Question Pools
      1. Creating
      2. Adding Random Questions
  11. Special Effects
    1. Text Animation
    2. Object Effects
    3. Merging images into Background
    4. Object Visibility
  12. Video & Animation
    1. Video Formats
    2. Insert FLV/F4V vs MP4
      1. Differences
    3. Insert Animation
      1. SWF & GIF
      2. HTML5 Animations
  13. Interactions
    1. Basic interactions
    2. Advanced interactions
  14. Publishing Projects
    1. Slide Quality
    2. Publish Formats
    3. SWF Features
      1. TOC
        1. Slide Labels
      2. Skins
      3. Website link and metadata
      4. Preloaders
    4. HTML5 Export
    5. Video Export Options
    6. Word Export Options
    7. Combining Multiple Projects together
  15. Accessibility Issues
    1. Closed Captioning
    2. Slide Accessibility
    3. Object Accessibility
    4. Document Metadata
  16. Special Features
    1. Rescaling Projects
    2. Branching View panel
      1. Grouping Slides
    3. Slide Groups
    4. Round-Tripping with Photoshop
  17. Variables and Actions
    1. Types of Variables
    2. Inserting Variables
    3. Actions
      1. Standard Actions
      2. Conditional Actions
      3. Combining Standard & Conditional Actions
      4. Decision Blocks
      5. Multiple IF statements
      6. Attaching Actions to Objects
  18. Widgets
    1. Using Widgets
    2. Types of Widgets
    3. Downloading Widgets
  19. Templates
    1. Styles
      1. Export/Import Styles
    2. Preferences
      1. Export/Import Prefs
    3. Master Slides
    4. Placeholders
      1. Objects
      2. Slides
  20. Responsive projects
    1. Responsive screen capture
    2. Responsive themes
    3. Min/Max sizing
    4. Device-aware delivery